Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Vashu Bihar, Shibgonj, Bogra

Vashu Bihar
This important site is locally known as Narapatir Dhap. The excavation was started here in 1973-74 and was resumed in the consecutive two seasons. Consequently structural remains of two medium sized monasteries, a temple and a large number of antiquities have been discovered. Of the two monasteries comparatively smaller one measures 49 meter North-South and 46 meter East-West. The total number of monastic cells in this monastery arranged in four wings around an open square shaped courtyard is 26. The gateway complex lies in center of the western wing. The large on a similarly rough square plan like that of the smaller one. Dimension of this monastery is 56 meter North-South and 49 meter East-West. It has 30 monastic cells is it 4 wings. The impressive gateway complex is set in a north facade projecting outward in the middle of the southern wing. The north facing Sam-cruciform shrine stands not far from the monasteries. It measures 38 meter North-South and 27 meter East-West. The mandapa or assembly hall occupies the center of the shrine around which has terraced ambulatory passages. Among 800 cultural objects a large number of bronze votive images, innumerable terracotta sealing and terracotta plaques are of considerable interest. Other objects include ornamental bricks, semi-precious stone and terracotta beads, iron nails, oil lamps and a large number of complete and semi complete pots and shards. These objects present a fairly complete cross-section of life and culture of later period (10th-11th century AD.) of this site.

Way To Go

Vasu Bihar 20 K.M far from Bogra Sathmatha and can directly go by CNG. It is 12 K.M far from Mohastangahr and 9 K.M far from Gokul Medh Lakshindar Behular Basar Ghar.

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