Monday, December 21, 2015


About 37 Km. from Chittagong city. This is famous for the chandranath hindu temple, one of the oldest temple in the subcontinent and the Buddhist temple with a footprint of Lord Buddha. These places particularly the hilltops are regarded as very sacred by the Hindus and Buddhists. Shiva Chaturdashi festival is held every year in February is held every year in February when thousands of pilgrims assemble for the celebrations which lasts about ten days. There is a hot-water spring 5Km. to the north of Sitakunda.

Patenga Sea Beach, Chittagong

Patenga Sea Beach
The Patenga beach (Bangladesh) is also one of popular sea beach of Bangladesh. The Patenga beach is a sea beach located 14 Km. south of the port city of Chittagong. You can see its natural beauty and the Scnic sunrise and sunrise. 

 How to go:
It can be used by bus or auto rickshaw to go to the place.
Patenga sea beach is 14 km south of the Chittagong city. It is located at the mouth of the river Karnaphuli. Patenga is a popular tourist destination in Chittagong City. This beach is terribly damaged in 1991 by Cyclone. But Now This beach Side Dam is created by Cement. Shah Amanat International Airport is located near Patenga. Lot of port pier located here.

Thursday, December 17, 2015


Sonargaon was a historic administrative, commercial and maritime center in Bengal. Situated in the center of the Ganges delta, it was the seat of the medieval Muslim rulers and governors of eastern Bengal.Sonargaon was a playground of mercantile civilization of the 18th century rulers and then the Muslim rulers of Bengal. One may still see the relic of that civilization there. You will see the ruined building and other things of art and crafts. You can spent night there.

Padma River, Bangladesh

Padma River
Padma River principle channel of the more noteworthy Ganges (Ganga) River in Bangladesh. For around 90 miles (145 km) the Ganges River shapes the western limit in the middle of India and Bangladesh before it enters Bangladesh at the northern edge of the Kushtia locale as the upper fragment of the Padma River. The upper Padma streams southeastward to get the strong Jamuna River (the name of the Brahmaputra in Bangladesh) close Rajbari. The consolidated stream of those two waterways constitutes the lower fragment of the Padma, which keeps on streaming southeastward through focal Bangladesh to join the Meghna River close Chandpur and to discharge into the Bay of Bengal.

The Padma River is known for substantial bank disintegration, moving channels, and sandbars that constantly develop in its course. Its principle tributary is the Mahananda; its important distributary is the Madhumati (called the Garai in its upper course). The stream of the Padma is controlled regularly by the Farakka Barrage, found a couple of miles upstream in West Bengal, India. Various major urban focuses, including Rajshahi and Pabna, are situated along the Padma. The stream shapes an occupied conduit and is a rich wellspring of fish.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Jamuna Eco Park

Eco Park
Stretched across 124 acres of land, the Jamuna Eco Park is one of the few places in Sirajganj where people can meander and enjoy the serenity of nature. This eco park was created in 2008 along the west coast of the Jamuna River and is the home of the deer, hedgehog, rabbit, peacock, and monkey amongst other wild creatures. Recently, many visitors have complained about poor security, maintenance and access to drinking water within park boundaries. There have been many cases of theft and reports of robbery from within the park. For the Jamuna Eco Park to prosper, security needs to be strengthened and facilities available at the park should be improved. 

Vashu Bihar, Shibgonj, Bogra

Vashu Bihar
This important site is locally known as Narapatir Dhap. The excavation was started here in 1973-74 and was resumed in the consecutive two seasons. Consequently structural remains of two medium sized monasteries, a temple and a large number of antiquities have been discovered. Of the two monasteries comparatively smaller one measures 49 meter North-South and 46 meter East-West. The total number of monastic cells in this monastery arranged in four wings around an open square shaped courtyard is 26. The gateway complex lies in center of the western wing. The large on a similarly rough square plan like that of the smaller one. Dimension of this monastery is 56 meter North-South and 49 meter East-West. It has 30 monastic cells is it 4 wings. The impressive gateway complex is set in a north facade projecting outward in the middle of the southern wing. The north facing Sam-cruciform shrine stands not far from the monasteries. It measures 38 meter North-South and 27 meter East-West. The mandapa or assembly hall occupies the center of the shrine around which has terraced ambulatory passages. Among 800 cultural objects a large number of bronze votive images, innumerable terracotta sealing and terracotta plaques are of considerable interest. Other objects include ornamental bricks, semi-precious stone and terracotta beads, iron nails, oil lamps and a large number of complete and semi complete pots and shards. These objects present a fairly complete cross-section of life and culture of later period (10th-11th century AD.) of this site.

Way To Go

Vasu Bihar 20 K.M far from Bogra Sathmatha and can directly go by CNG. It is 12 K.M far from Mohastangahr and 9 K.M far from Gokul Medh Lakshindar Behular Basar Ghar.

Monday, December 7, 2015


Teknaf Beach
Teknaf river
Teknaf is an Upazila of Cox's Bazar District in the Division of Chittagong, Bangladesh. It frames the southernmost point in territory Bangladesh (St. Martin's Island is the southernmost point). The name of the locale originates from the Naf River which frames the Eastern limit of the upazila. It imparts the outskirt to Burma.


Teknaf is situated at 20.8667°N 92.3000°E. It has 23, 675 family units and an aggregate region of 388.68 km². The tidal extent at the Teknaf beach front region is solid affected by the Naaf stream estuary. The region has a warm tropical atmosphere and adequate precipitation to empower it to bolster a wide natural differing qualities.


As indicated by the 1991 Bangladesh statistics, Teknaf had a populace of 152,557. Guys constituted 51.81% of the populace, and females 48.19%. The populace matured 18 or over was 64,417. Teknaf had a normal education rate of 16.6% (7+ years), against the national normal of 32.4%.

Vacation destinations

On account of its geological area this subdistrict has turned into a fascination for remote and neighborhood visitors. In light of the tropical climate of Bangladesh most visitors for the most part go to visit this spot amid winter or in the middle of winter and pre-winter (October to March). It is around 90 kilometers (56 mi) from Cox's Bazar. Its authentic instructive establishments incorporate Teknaf College, Teknaf Pilot High School and Teknaf Govt. Elementary School.

Teknaf Peninsula is one of the longest sandy shoreline biological systems (80 km) on the planet. It speaks to a transitional ground for the fauna of the Indo-Himalayan and Indo-Malayan environmental sub-districts. Imperative living spaces at the site incorporate mangrove, mudflats, shorelines and sand hills, waterways and tidal ponds and marine living space. Mangrove timberland happens in Teknaf promontory both as common backwoods with planted stands and for the most part circulated in the intertidal zone. The Teknaf landmass mangroves underpins the natural surroundings of 161 distinct types of fish (Chowdhury et al., 2011). Teknaf held woods is one of the most seasoned saved backwoo

Friday, December 4, 2015


Keokradong, the highest peak of Bangladesh
Bandarban is a region in South-Eastern Bangladesh, and an a portion of the Chittagong Division. It is one of the three locale that make up the Chittagong Hill Tracts, the others being Rangamati District and Khagrachhari District. Bandarban is viewed as a standout amongst the most alluring travel destinations in Bangladesh. Bandarban (which means the dam of monkeys), or in Marma or Arakanese dialect as "Rwa-daw Mro" is otherwise called Arvumi or the Bohmong Circle (of whatever is left of the three slope areas Rangamati is the Chakma Circle, Raja Devasish Roy and Khagrachari is the Mong Circle, Raja Sachingprue Marma). Bandarban town is the main residence of the Bohmong Chief (at present King, or Raja, U Cho Prue Marma) who is the leader of the Marma populace. It additionally is the authoritative base camp of Bandarban area, which has transformed into a standout amongst the most fascinating vacation spots in Bangladesh since the rebellion in Chittagong Hill Tracts has stopped over 10 years back.


One of the three slope locale of Bangladesh and a piece of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bandarban (4,479 km²) is the remotest area of the nation, as well as is the minimum populated (populace 292,900) one. The greater part of the most noteworthy crests of Bangladesh are situated at Bandarban area.

Raikhiang Lake, the most noteworthy lake in Bangladesh is likewise found in Bandarban. Chimbuk crest and Boga Lake are two all the more profoundly noted components of the area. The recently reported most astounding crest of Bangladesh - Saka Haphong (3488 ft) is likewise here in Thanchi upazila.


In the beginning of fifteenth century, the Arakanese kingdom, where Mrauk U was the capital, consumed its regions to the Chittagong range of Bengal. After the triumph of Arakan on Burma's Pegu kingdom in 1599 AD, the Arakanese ruler Mong Raja Gree named a Prince of Pegu as the legislative leader of recently settled Bohmong Htaung (Circle) by giving the title of "Bohmong" Raja. That range was for the most part populated by the Arakanese relatives and ruled by the Burmese (Myanmar) respectable relatives who began to call themselves in Arakanese dialect as Marma. Marma is an antiquated Arakanese articulation for Myanmar. As the number of inhabitants in the Bohmong Htaung were of Arakanese descandants, these Myanmar-relatives Bohmong boss (Rajas) of the decision class took the titles in Arakanese and talk a lingo of the Arakanese dialect.

Bandarban Hill District was once called Bohmong Htaung since the Arakanese guideline. Once Bohmong Htaung was ruled by Bohmong Rajas who were the subordinates to the Arakanese lords. Precursors of the present Bohmong administration were the successor of the Pegu King of Burma under Arakan's standard in Chittagong. In 1614, King Mong Kha Maung, the ruler of Arakan named Maung Saw Pru as Governor of Chittagong who in 1620 spurned the Portuguese attack with extraordinary valor. As an outcome, Arakanese lord, Mong Kha Maung decorated Maung Saw Pru with a title of Bohmong significance Great General. After the demise of Maung Saw Pru two successors held Bohmong title. Amid the season of Bohmong Hari Gneo in 1710, Arakanese King Canda Wizaya recovered Chittagong from the Mughals. Bohmong Hari Gneo helped King Canda Wizaya in recovering Chittagong and as a sign of appreciation the later presented on Bohmong Hari Gneo the fantastic title of Bohmong Gree which implies extraordinary.


Nilgiri Tourist spot
Day by day Nilgiri became one of the most lucrative and top tourist destinations at Bandarban where the clouds play with the waves of gentle breeze. In autumn and rainy season, the whole area is covered with the fold of clouds. You can enjoy a cloudy experience with illusive landscape around the hills chain. You will be amazed when you see that the cloudy sky often kisses the peak of the hill and you can touch the clouds! Can you imagine the scene?  In winter, the entire area is covered with the dense of fog. It is a nice place for campfire in winter season.  It may be one of your great memories in your life if you have a chance to enjoy a moonlit night in Nilgiri when it is full moon. Nilgiri is the most attractive place for those who love adventure, hills and clouds. It is not the end; you may also travel Mro tribal villages just beside Nilgiri Resrot. Their colorful culture and lifestyle of the tribal people surely an unexplored experience for you. In fact, the beauty of the Nilgiri is not describable in texts but to feel in mind.


Zero point
Piyain River, Jaflong
Jaflong is a slope station and prominent vacationer destination in the Division of Sylhet, Bangladesh. It is situated in Gowainghat Upazila of Sylhet District and arranged at the outskirt in the middle of Bangladesh and the Indian condition of Meghalaya, eclipsed by subtropical mountains and rainforests. Jaflong is well known for its stone accumulations and is home of the Khasi tribe.


Jaflong is a standout amongst the most appealing vacationer spots in Sylhet division. It is around 60 km from Sylhet town and takes two hours drive to reach there. Jaflong is likewise a beautiful spot adjacent in the midst of tea patio nurseries and uncommon excellence of moving stones from slopes. It is arranged other than the waterway Mari in the lap of Hill Khashia.

Stone pulverizing

The area grabbers involved government khas arrive and saved forestland and extricated stone by cutting little slopes contaminating the earth of Jaflong. They additionally settled squashing factories on the forestland without consent from government.

Forestation program

In mid 2005, Laskar Muqsudur Rahman, Deputy Conservator of Forests, Sylhet Forest Division, watched that Jaflong that he heard in his childhood as the "lungs" of Greater Sylhet was in question because of on going infringements and foundation of unapproved stone squashing plants. He took activities to recuperate the area and set up a diversion cum-plant park named as 'Jaflong Green Park'. The primary establishment stone for the topical Green Park at Jaflong was laid by Laskar Muqsudur Rahman, Deputy Conservator of Forests in 2005 with the collaboration of nearby woods staffs drove by Forest Ranger Mohammad Ali. In any case, at the initiation it was a testing assignment because of neighborhood clashes and procedural limitations. The forestation program in Jaflong Green Park has been begun under supervision of the joint strengths, Jaflong Foundation and Forest Department. They have mutually taken up the forestation program with around 100 hectares of got area. Under the forestation program, different sorts of trees, including half and half Akash-moni, are being planted in the recreation center to keep up environmental parity.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Shilaidaha Kuthi Bari

Shilaidaha Kuthi Bari
Shilaidaha Kuthi Bari
Shilaidaha Kuthi Bari: Shilaidah Kuthi Bari is a spot in Kumarkhali Upazila of Kushtia District in Bangladesh. The spot is popular for Kuthi Bari; a nation house made by Dwarkanath Tagore. Rabindranath Tagore carried on with a piece of life here and made some of his paramount ballads while living here.

In 1890 Tagore began dealing with their family bequests in Shelaidaha. He stayed there for over a dacade at sporadic interims between 1891 to 1901. It is a nation house fabricate by the father of Rabindranath, Maharshi Debendranath Tagore. The house was repossessed by a Bank; the Tagore Estate was a borrower to this Bank, who sold the property and it turned into the ownership of the Zamindar of Bhagyakul (Munshiganj), Roy gang. The house was a piece of Roy Estate till the Zamindari framework was canceled under the East Bengal State Acquisition and Tenancy Act of 1950. Syed Murtaza Ali, amid his residency as Divisional Commissioner of Rajshahi took the activity to protect the bedraggled house in 1958. Amid this remodel, the shade of the house was incidentally changed to red like different houses fit in with the previous Zamindars of the area.


Amid his stay he composed large portions of his well known lyrics, expositions and short stories there. Among those a percentage of the showstoppers are Sonar Tari, Katha o Kahini, Chitra, Chaitali, and so forth. He likewise interpreted a hefty portion of his manifestations in English there. He likewise composed the majority of the sonnets from Naibedya, Kheya and a large number of the melodies from Gitanjali and Geetimalya. It arrived, in Shelaidaha in 1912, that he began making an interpretation of his Gitanjali into English, which earned him the Nobel Prize for writing in 1913. A chateau has been made in Shelaidaha Tagore's Kuthibari.

Structural engineering

It is a three storied building developed with block, timber, ridged tin sheets and so forth. The building is pyramid molded with a patio. The aggregate region of the compound is 11 sections of land. The building is arranged on right amidst the compound.

Exhibition hall

The reconstruction of Kuthi Bari has been finished under the Department of Archeology, Ministry of Cultural Affairs. It now serves as a historical center named 'Tagore Memorial Museum'. Huge numbers of his utilized items are shown here, for example, his bed, closet, iron mid-section, grass trimmer, encircled pictures and last yet not the slightest his houseboat.


A few celebrations are watched during the time in Kuthi Bari, for example, 25th Baishakh as Tagore's introduction to the world commemoration. It is a five day long celebration. Individuals from the nation over and also India and whatever is left of the world join this event to praise his birthday. The system incorporates dialog, social program, reasonable and arranging.

Sunday, November 29, 2015


Tea Garden
Sylhet is a noteworthy city that lies on the banks of
Sylhet is a noticeable Islamic profound focus and home to various Sufi places of worship. It has the fourteenth century catacombs of Shah Jalal and Shah Paran. The Sylhet region was constituted amid the British Raj in 1867. It was a piece of the Bengal Presidency and the Assam Province. Upon a submission, it turned out to be a piece of East Bengal in the Pakistani Dominion after the Partition of British India in 1947. Sylhet turned into a point of convergence for Bengali progressives amid the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971. It was the main residence of General M A G Osmani, the Commander-in-Chief of Bangladesh Forces.

Surma River in north-east Bangladesh. The city has a populace of more than 500,000 individuals. It is encompassed by tea bequests, sub-tropical slopes, downpour timberlands and waterway valleys; the locale is one of the main vacationer destinations in the nation.

The Sylhet Division creates the vast majority of Bangladesh's tea yield, manure and regular gas. It is additionally known for its stick, citrus, timber and agarwood. Sylhet is a noteworthy beneficiary of settlements from the Bangladeshi diaspora, especially from the United Kingdom. The city is served by the Osmani International Airport. It is joined with the Port of Chittagong by the N2 and the Bangladesh Railway. The Bangladesh-India outskirt in Tamabil is situated toward the north of the city. Sylhet is additionally home to the Shahjalal, Shah poran, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology. Sylhet has a worldwide cricket stadium, Sylhet Agricultural University, Shahjalal Fertilizer Factory Ltd.

Geology and atmosphere.

Sylhet is situated at 24.8917°N 91.8833°E, in the north eastern locale of Bangladesh inside of the Sylhet Division, inside of the Sylhet District and Sylhet Sadar Upazila. The atmosphere of Sylhet is damp subtropical with an overwhelmingly hot and sticky summer and a moderately cool winter. The city is inside of the rainstorm climatic zone, with yearly normal most astounding temperatures of 23 °C (Aug–Oct) and normal least temperature of 7 °C (Jan). About 80% of the yearly normal precipitation of 3,334 mm happens in the middle of May and September.

The city is situated inside of the locale where there are slopes and bowls which constitute a standout amongst the most unmistakable districts in Bangladesh. The physiography of Sylhet comprises basically of slope soils, incorporating a couple of substantial sorrows referred to locally as "beels" which can be for the most part named oxbow lakes, brought about by tectonic subsidence fundamentally amid the seismic tremor of 1762. It is flanked by the Indian conditions of the Meghalaya in the north, Assam in the east, Tripura in the south and the Bangladesh areas of Netrokona, Kishoregonj and Brahmanbaria in the west. The region secured by Sylhet Division is 12,569 km², which is around 8% of the aggregate area territory of Bangladesh.

Topographically, the area is intricate having differing conciliatory geomorphology; high geography of Plio-Miocene age, for example, Khasi and Jaintia slopes and little hillocks along the outskirt. At the middle there is a limitless low laying surge plain of late source with saucer formed miseries, privately called Haors. Accessible limestone stores in diverse parts of the locale recommend that the entire region was under the sea in the Oligo-Miocene. In the most recent 150 years three noteworthy seismic tremors hit the city, at a size of no less than 7.5 on the Richter Scale, the last one occurred in 1918, albeit numerous individuals are ignorant that Sylhet lies on the quake inclined zone of Bangladesh.


Given its exceptional social and financial improvement, and etymological contrasts (Greater Sylhet district was a piece of Assam and Surma Valley State for a great part of the British Raj in examination to whatever is left of Bangladesh), and given that Sylhet has, for the greater part of its late history, been a locale of a bigger entity. As such a variety of Sylhetis are inhabitant abroad, Sylhet has a noteworthy stream of outside money from non-occupant Bangladeshis. The major occasions celebrated in Sylhet incorporate conventional and religious festivals, Muslim celebrations of Ramadan and afterward after, Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha. Cultural or nationalistic festivals incorporate the Language Movement Day, this is the place wreaths are laid at the Shaheed Minar paying tribute to the saints, the Bangladeshi Independence Day, Victory Day celebrated with parades by school and institutes, and the Pohela Baishakh—festivity of the Bengali New Year. Relational unions are drilled in a conventional Bengali Muslim style, with the gaaye halud, mehendi workmanship and sacred petitions to God.


The dominant part of Sylhetis are Muslims (90%), different religious gatherings incorporate Hindus (8%), and not very many quantities of different religions, basically Buddhists and Christians (under 2%). Most of the Muslims are principally Sunni Hanafi;[16] and there are noteworthy quantities of individuals who additionally take after Sufi standards, the most compelling is the teachings of Maulana Abdul Latif who was from the town of Fultoli, Zakigang. He was a relative of Hazrat Shah Kamal, one of the pupils of Shah Jalal.[51] Research in Bangladesh found that 60% of Sylhetis implore day by day when contra.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Saint Martin Island

Daruchini Dip
Chera Dip
Saint Martin Island is a little island in the northeastern piece of the Bay of Bengal, around 9 km south of the tip of the Cox's Bazar-Teknaf landmass, and shaping the southernmost piece of Bangladesh. There is a little bordering island that is isolated at high tide, called Chhera island. It is around 8 km west of the northwest shore of Myanmar, at the mouth of the Naf River. The principal settlement began only 250 years back by some Arabian mariners who named the island 'Zajira'. Amid British occupation the island was named St. Martin Island. The nearby names of the island are "Narical Gingira", additionally spelled "Narikel Jinjira/Jinjera", which signifies 'Coconut Island' in Bengali, and "Daruchini Dip". It is the main coral island in Bangladesh.
The majority of the island's roughly 3,700 occupants live essentially from angling. Additionally, the other staple products are rice and coconut. Being extremely basic in the island, green growth are gathered, then dried lastly sent out to Myanmar. In the middle of October and April, the anglers from neighboring territories convey their got fishes to the island's transitory wholesale market. However fares of chicken, meat and different nourishments do roll in from the territory Bangladesh and Myanmar (Burma). As the inside and the south are for the most part farmland and alternative cabins, the vast majority of the changeless structures are around the furthest north of the island.

Amid the stormy season, due to the perilous conditions on the Bay of Bengal, the occupants have no degree to go to the territory (teknaf) and their life can get to be hazardous. There is presently a doctor's facility on the island, however in the past there has frequently been no specialist.


The best way to achieve the spot is the water transportation i.e. pontoons and boats (for the most part for visitors) from Teaknaf. Try not to hope to discover taxis, tarred streets or power here in the island. Aside from the bigger inns that keep running on generators, there is no power supply from the national network in the island since an unsafe sea tempest in the year 1999. The island is about sun, ocean and palm trees. Amid the day, the island wakes up with water and shoreline sports, with shoreline gatherings and blazes illuminating the night skies.

From 1989 to 2004, non-private Bangladeshis and nonnatives were the main individuals allowed on the island; in any case, this has changed and now private Bangladeshis are permitted. St. Martin's Island has turned into a prominent visitor spot. Presently, five delivery liners run day by day excursions to the island, including Shahid Sher Niabat, L C T Kutubdia, Eagle, Keari Cruise and Dine and Keari-Sindbad. Visitors can book their outing either from Chittagong or from Cox's Bazar. The encompassing coral reef of the island has an expansion named Chera Dip. A little hedge arrives, which is the main green a portion of Chera Dip, improving the excellence of this island. Individuals don't live on this a portion of the island, so it is fitting for the voyagers to go there ahead of schedule and return by evening.

In the previous five years St. Martin's guest populace has expanded significantly. While this circumstance has turned out to be lucrative for the islanders, it is making the common magnificence of the island break down. In a matter of seconds there are numerous endeavors being advanced to protect the few jeopardized types of turtles that home on the island, and additionally the corals, some of which are discovered just on Narikel Jinjera. Bits of the coral reef are being evacuated keeping in mind the end goal to be sold to tourists.Nesting turtles are once in a while taken for sustenance, and their hatchlings are regularly diverted by the twinkling lights along the shoreline. Types of fish, a couple of just as of late found, are being overfished. Consistently the anglers must wander farther to ocean to get their catch. The vast majority of them use motorless water crafts.

It is conceivable to stroll around the island in a day on the grounds that it quantifies just 8 km2, contracting to around 5 km2 amid high tide. The island exists simply because of its coral base, so evacuation of that coral dangers disintegration of the shorelines. On account of this, St. Martin's has lost approximately 25% of its c.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Kuakata Sea Beach

    Beautifull Beach
  • Kuakata

    Kuakata is an all encompassing ocean shoreline and town on the southernmost tip of Bangladesh. Situated in the Patuakhali region, Kuakata has a wide sandy shoreline from where one can see both the dawn and dusk. It is around 320 Kilometers south of Dhaka, the capital, and around 70 Kilometers from the region base camp. The Kuakata shoreline is 30 km long and 6 km wide. On 13 September 2007 government had reported a red alarm in Kuakata as alert for a conceivable Tsunami.

    Historical underpinnings

    The name Kuakata began from the word 'Kua'- the Bengali word for "Well" which was burrowed on the ocean shore by the early Rakhine pilgrims in mission of gathering drinking water, who arrived on Kuakata coast in the eighteenth century in the wake of being removed from Arakan (Myanmar) by the Mughals.[4] Afterwards, it has turned into a convention of delving Well in the areas of Rakhaine tribes for water.
    Kuakata offers a full perspective of the dawn and dusk from the same white sandy shoreline in the water of the Bay of Bengal.
    Privately known as Shagor Kannya (Daughter of sea), the long segment of dim, marbled sand extends for around 30 km. The long and wide shoreline at Kuakata has a regular characteristic setting. This sandy shoreline has tender inclines into the Bay of Bengal. Kuakata is additionally a haven for transient winter winged creatures.

    On the eastern end of the shoreline is Gongamati Reserved Forest, an evergreen mangrove woodland and piece of the first Kuakata. At the point when the Rakhines settled in the zone in 1784, Kuakata was a piece of the bigger Sundarbans timberland. On the other hand, the Sundarbans is currently at a separation of one-hour by velocity vessel. As a mangrove timberland, Gongamati, similar to the Sundarbans, offers some security against tidal surges, then again it too is logging so as to be debilitated and deforestation. The most ideal approach to achieve the backwoods is by foot or bicycle along the shoreline, where a group of banner flying angling vessels can be seen trawling the coast. Going by Gangamati in the late evening is a flawless time to watch the sun station shadows on the conceptual uncovered mangrove roots.

    Kuakata is the spot of journey for both Hindu and Buddhist groups. Countless fans touch base here at the celebration of 'Surge Purnima' and 'Maghi Purnima'. On these two events the travelers scrub down at the straight and take an interest in the conventional fairs.One may likewise visit the 100 years of age Buddhist Temple where the statue of Goutama Buddha and two wells of 200 years of age are found.

    The administration and nearby entrepreneurs have made noteworthy advancements throughout the years to draw in traveler to its shores. These days, nearby individuals are more strong to the vacationers and interchanges have enhanced altogether. Another Police station was inherent 2007. In like manner, the lawfulness circumstance in the open shoreline, even during the evening, has enhanced altogether.